📄️ UIComponent
The UIComponent class is a base class for building UI elements in the system. It provides methods for rendering, event handling, and managing component state.
📄️ UI4pxNumber
The UI4pxNumber class represents a compact numeric display component for UI systems. It renders numbers in a 4-pixel-hight format with configurable color, digit count, and spacing.
📄️ UIButton
The UIButton class represents a button component in the UI system. It is a specialized subclass of UIComponent that supports callbacks for press and hold events, dynamic colors, and customizable sizes.
📄️ UIItemSelector
The UIItemSelector class represents a versatile item selection component for UI systems. It displays a grid of selectable items, supports callback functions for item selection, and optionally displays item names during hold events.
📄️ UINumItemSelector
The UINumItemSelector class represents a numeric item selection component for UI systems. Unlike UIItemSelector, this component highlights all items less than or equal to the selected item, creating a cascading visual effect.
📄️ UINumberModifier
The UINumberModifier class provides a UI component for modifying numerical values interactively. Each segment of the component corresponds to a modifier that adjusts the value by a specified amount, with visual feedback based on a gradient.
📄️ UINumItemSelector
The UINumItemSelector class is a numeric item selection UI component that highlights all items less than or equal to the selected value, providing a cascading visual effect. This makes it ideal for range-based selection scenarios.
📄️ UISelector
The UISelector class provides a UI component for selecting a single item from a grid. It highlights the selected item, supports optional callbacks on selection, and allows for custom name display during hold events.
📄️ UIToggle
The UIToggle class extends UIButton to provide a toggle button functionality. It allows users to toggle a boolean value between true and false. Additionally, the toggle button's visual state (color and text) will auto reflects the current value.