📄️ Color
The Color class provides methods for handling RGBW colors, scaling brightness, and converting between color formats.
📄️ Dimension
The Dimension class represents a 2D dimension or size, with utility functions for operations like area calculation and comparisons.
📄️ EDirection
The EDirection enum represents various directional values used for orientation or rotation. Multiple aliases are provided for each direction for flexibility and convenience.
📄️ Fract16
The Fract16 class represents a 16-bit fractional value, providing utilities for scaling and comparison, with built-in type conversions and operators.
📄️ HID Specs
This header file provides a detailed reference for various HID (Human Interface Device) keycodes used across keyboard, mouse, gamepad, and consumer devices. Each section defines specific keycode enums and their usage.
📄️ KeyEvent
The KeyEvent structure represents an event triggered by input interaction, containing information about the key and its associated details.
📄️ KeyInfo
The KeyInfo struct represents the state and properties of a key of the device.
📄️ MidiPacket
The MidiPacket class encapsulates a MIDI message, including its port, status, and data. It provides utility methods for creating, analyzing, and manipulating MIDI messages.
📄️ Point
The Point class represents a 2D point with x and y coordinates. It provides various utility functions for mathematical operations and transformations, including rotations.