
Performance App

The Performance app is used as an user canvas standard MIDI signals.

It can be used to perform visual performance with Amethyst Player, Ableton Live, or Unipad; used as drumpad in any MIDI enabled DAW; or used as a canvas for your own DAW intergration via standard MIDI protocol.

It sends standard MIDI signal with aftertouch so it should be compatible with any DAW that accepts MIDI if it is used as drum pad purpose.

When you first enter the application, you will see a blank canvas. You can click or hold on the function key to enter the action menu.

To exit performance app, enter action menu and hold down the function key. You will be brought back to the application launcher. (This is also how usually you exit an app in Matrix OS)

Performance Canvas

Action Menu

Action Menu

Action Menu

The action menu allows you to change the settings, modify palette, send MIDI controls inside Performance app.

Detect Action Menu State on Host Applications

Performance App will send out a cc signal when the action menu is entered. (channel 1, cc 121, value 127 for enter, value 0 for exit),

Note Layout

Touch Combo Keys

Touch Combo Key is an alternative way use the Myatrix's touch bar.

By default, the 16 touch bars are mapped to the 16 midi notes. When Touch Combo Keys is enabled, when any touch key is held, the left and right column of the keypad will be mapped to the left and right touch bar's origonal note.

This means that basiclly holding down the touch key will act as a note shift for the two column and make them act as a touch bar, similar to how control key works on computer keyboard.

Flicker Reduction

Flicker Reduction is used when MIDI lightshow is causing flickers or when light is so fast it is higher than the device refresh rate. It is recommended turn on only in Ableton Live.

Color Palette

There are two built in color palettes, and 4 custom color palettes.

You can edit the custom color palettes in the action menu.

Built in palette 1

Built in palette 2 - Classical Palette

Upload Custom Palette

Sysex API

Sysex API provided more advanced control over the canvas than regular MIDI signals. Including real RGB LED color and faster LED fill.
