System Settings
The System Settings control various system-wide features such as brightness, rotation, device-specific features, and more.
System Settings
System Settings
Rotate Device​
Rotates the device so that the top of the device is oriented to the specified side.
Some device controls are asymmetrical, and certain controls might not work or may function differently when the device is in a different orientation.
For example, in the Performance App with Mystrix, the touchbar will be mapped differently when the device is rotated, as there are only two touchbars on the device.
Brightness Control​
You can tap the brightness control pad to cycle through brightness levels. Additionally, you can hold the brightness control pad to enter the brightness control menu.
Brightness Control Menu​
The brightness control menu allows you to fine-tune the brightness of the device and set brightness multipliers for different LED sections (if the device supports it).
Brightness Control Menu
Brightness Control Menu
Factory Reset​
Resets the device to its factory settings.
You will need to confirm the factory reset by clicking on the green pad to proceed.
Factory Reset Confirm Menu
Factory Reset Confirm Menu
Device ID​
Assign an ID to the device. The ID will show up on the host after the device's name. This is useful for identifying the device when you have multiple devices connected to the same host.
If set to zero, the device ID will not show up on the host.