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Amethyst Player

Amethyst Player is 203 System's in-house web application for performing lightshows.

It is available on as a web app or PWA (Progressive Web App).

Currently, it supports playing Unipad Projects (Unipack) online. You can connect Mystrix or other compatible MIDI controllers with a web MIDI-enabled browser to start playing.

Amethyst Player UI

How to Use​

  1. Open the website.
  2. Connect your Mystrix and enter the Performance App.
  3. Check and configure the device via the USB icon at the bottom of the screen or the bottom of the sidebar.

USB Icon Device Config 4. Click the Load Project button and select the zip file.

Load Project

  1. If everything is correct, your project should now be ready to play.

Project Loaded

Demo Play​

If your project supports demo play, the Project Demoplay widget should appear in the UI. You can adjust the play time, next step, previous step, play, and pause.


Additionally, you can click the gear icon to the right of Project Demoplay to modify settings.

Demoplay Settings


You can adjust settings via the gear icon in the UI.


In the settings, you can change the virtual device, the size of the virtual device, the Project Engine, and the language.


RLoad Project
Space / PPlay & Pause Demoplay
Left / ADemoplay move backward
Right / DDemoplay move forward
Up / W / ENext Layer
Down / S / QPrevious Layer
Any Number KeySwitch to Layer
Enter / F / ESCToggle Full Screen
ZShow Player Setting
XShow Device Setting
CShow Demoplay Setting

Get Unipad Projects (UniPack)​

You can get Unipad Projects from YouTube videos. Here are some great examples:

Or from sites like Unipad DB Kims. (Currently down)

Supported Lightshow Engines​

  • Unipack: Amethyst Player currently supports Unipack projects.
  • Superpad Lights Engine: This engine is currently in alpha, and obtaining Superpad Lights projects is quite tricky.

Future Lightshow Engine​

  • Universal Lightshow Project (ULP): In the future, we will release our own lightshow project format, dubbed Universal Lightshow Project (ULP), to unify things with better compatibility and more options.
